How to set a "randomValue" to variable and How to run an UPDATE in the Data Base using this variable:
'set a random number - this function will be called to do updates
Function RandomNr
upperbound = 1000-1
lowerbound = i
For i=1 to upperbound
RndNr = Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)
RandomNr = RndNr
End Function
DB Update using the "RandomNr" function:
updateCol1data = UCASE("update tableName set ColumnHere = '" & RandomNr & "' WHERE columnName='value'")
'querying an "UPDATE" for a fields within DB
Public Function DBUpdate(updateCol1data)
set conn = createobject("adodb.connection") "DSN=DSN_SERVERhere; UserID=userID; Password=password;"
conn.Execute updateCol1data
End Function
Now to call this function use next:
DBUpdate updateCol1data
How to set a DB connection and get a value from an "adodb" Data Base:
How to set a DB connection and get a value from an "adodb" Data Base:
Public Function DBSelect
set conn = createobject("adodb.connection") "DSN=DSN_SERVERhere; UserID=userID; Password=password;"
set rs = createobject("adodb.recordset")
'get the date value for an Event from the DB "SELECT searchColumnHere FROM tableName WHERE columnName='value'", conn
eventsInDB = rs("searchColumnHere")
'eventsInDB = FormatNumber(eventsInDB, 2) - use this if you need to format the output nr
DBSelect = eventsInDB 'here we are defining the output value
End Function
Or, if the query is defined somewhere outside of your function, for e.g.:
getCol1data = UCASE("SELECT 'searchColumnHere' FROM tableName WHERE columnName='value'") '"searchColumnHere" is the code name of the column which's value should be returned. for e.g: CLBVAS (use from your select), then the function can be written as next (I've included it inside a class):
Public Function DBQuery
DBQuery = New Query
End Function
Class Query
Public Function DBSelect(sqlSelect, searchColumnHere)
set conn = createobject("adodb.connection") "DSN=DSN_SERVERhere; UserID=userID; Password=password;"
set rs = createobject("adodb.recordset")
'get the date value from DB for an Event sqlSelect, conn
eventsInDB = rs(searchColumnHere)
'eventsInDB = FormatNumber(eventsInDB, 2) - use this if you need to format the output number
DBSelect = eventsInDB 'here we are defining the output value
End Function
End Class
now the function is called this way:
DBQuery.DBSelect getCol1data "searchColumnHere" 'the "getCol1data" has the value assigned to it upper
DBSelect getCol1data "searchColumnHere" 'when there is no class defined
I am .net developer.Now,I am working on QTP script to migrate with .net application.
ReplyDeleteMy questions are
How to execute an specific action from application?
What are the pre-requisites are needs to call the actions?
Thanks in advance.